Tanis Fishman
Meet tanis
I'm Tanis Fishman. While I call Calgary home, I travel the world studying the science and spirituality of who and what we are. I work with open-minded seekers in groups and private guidance sessions
My guidance and counsel reflect the Heroine's journey I have been on and continue to travel. From knowing the bliss of Consciousness directly, to the utter darkness of a complete nervous system breakdown, I have come to deeply appreciate and grow my capacity to embody the polarities and paradoxes of this human life experience. My curiosity to liberate my own suffering as well as the suffering of others fuels my ongoing studies and explorations in the psycho-spiritual realms.
I was raised an athlete; a Canadian National ski team member. Needless to say, my training was intense and my discipline left little room for self-exploration. As a child I remember feeling frustrated, like I got off at the wrong stop in time and space. My body felt dense, heavy, and confusing. My curiosity was infinite and while I felt a devotion to quench my spiritual thirst, I found it near impossible to break from the momentum of my choices and the expectations of family, friends, coaches, and goals.
This all changed when i left my body.
At age 19, I was involved in a devastating car accident that left one of my best friends severely injured. And me...with barely a scratch. Beforehand, I had a premonition of what was about to happen. During, I had what some might call an out of body experience. I could see the entire scene of the accident, on the physical realm unfolding before me, yet I was in a different state of consciousness, observing it all. This profound experience provided me with the teachings of our soul. It helped me understand there are many dimensions to our existence and the limited ego reality is only specific to the human, physical realm of form and matter.
Afterwards, I could no longer connect with the concept of competition (which did not serve my skiing career...at all:). Instead, I felt a depth of compassion that translated as a profound love for humanity. It became unfathomable to compete with my friends as I had been awakened to a reality that is detached from identifying with the stories of the ego self.
Needless to say, I knew I couldn't continue racing anymore. With divine grace, I tore my ACL a few weeks later, blessed the experience, and closed that door...so others could open.
I decided to explore the world and the wisdom teachings I had craved for so long.
A few years & journeys later, I was in India—at a meditation retreat.
One afternoon, as I walked down the road—soaking in my surroundings—my awareness fixed on a nearby cow. What happened next is hard to believe, but I can only describe it like this...
I exploded into pure consciousness.
It was completely different from my previous out of body experience—where I was still aware of my individual self. It shattered all previous concepts of what I believed to be real. This time I was a frequency in the energetic field of all vibration. I was no-one. I was no where. Yet I was everyone. I was everywhere. I was part of a web of energy, completely joined and connected to the cow, the trees, the road, the spaciousness all around. Everything was the same and I was pulsing with it.
The essence of this experience was pure benevolent love. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. In fact, it's difficult to do attempt and describe it with words.
Nothing was separate to me. I loved the road, the cow, the trees and when I saw other humans again I realized all I wanted to do was love them. All I wanted to do was love.
This state of consciousness lasted four days. I neither slept nor ate. I was in a pure state of wakefulness—in love with all creation. Every moment prior to my explosion felt like a dream. Like my senses had been asleep.
Because I didn't understand what had happened to me, I found it impossible to talk about.
In fact, I kept quiet about it for 15 years.
I questioned...
Why did this happen to me?
Why couldn't this be a permanent state?
Why was I able to experience the freedom of limitless, loving energy only to be squished back into my physical body with my human emotions and conditioned, ego-based thought patterns?
I craved to feel it again. I prayed. I begged. I bargained.
And then I accepted the lesson.
I had been given those four days in India so I could absolutely know it exists, and also to understand that even though I believed this profound experience to be a realization of WHO I AM, it was still within the realm of experience and I still longed to know the Truth. That which is unchanging and eternal.
“What we believe to be true of the reality we are living—the information we gather from our physical senses and environment—is very biased, based on the frequency we are tapping into.”
Oddly enough, our bouts of confusion, chaos, hopelessness, and lower mind tendencies and behaviours contain valuable little lessons. When the bondage of mind becomes so obvious, and you see the consequences of the minds personal investment in the play of duality, then the greatest question of all may arise...Who am I?
“When a situation, person, gift, or challenge comes to me I know they are a reflection of the choices I am making...the thoughts and emotions I am believing. Because if we are not actually separated, then anything or anyone that comes into our reality is not random at all.”
I'm a Compassionate guide that has touched the core of my own darkness and therefore I hold no judgement on anyone else's
I tread beside those who are ready and willing to face what they have not been able to before. I lovingly navigate their attention to keep orienting inwards, to bring into view what has been left unseen, and feel what hasn't been felt consciously, and to embody these deeper realities then the mind has constructed.
It is not unusual in my work to traverse multiple timelines from childhood, to past lives, to present moment, to future potentials because this is just the nature of our design.
I am honoured to witness another's direct realization of who and what they are, as others have been witness to me. This to me makes most sense. A deeply intimate co-creation and collaboration of waking up, healing, and evolving our collective consciousness.
""Truth is radical subjectivity. With the collapse of the illusions of duality, including the supposed 'reality' of a separate 'self', there remains only the state of the Infinite 'I', which is the manifestation of the Unmanifest as the Self. There is neither subject nor object. Like infinite space, there is no distance, time, duration, or locality. All prevails simultaneously. All is self-evident, self-aware, self-revealing, and total." - David R Hawkins
““Learning from Tanis about the profoundly effective system of Yoga Nidra meditation has improved not only my own quality of life and self esteem; Yoga Nidra has become an essential part of how I teach and support my students and clients as they heal. I cannot stress just how fortunate we are to have such a gifted teacher and expert guide in our city, our community.”