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Path to Sankalpa


~ A Path to Sankalpa ~
Discover Your Truth

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The Sankalpa teachings are very near and dear to me. I believe much of my path while I walk this earth is to understand the depth and terrain of this word through the mystic's way of direct experience.

In this 6 week series I will provide a loving container and supportive guidance to explore 'aligning to one's truth.'

I have found that the actual roadmap towards the recognition of inner truth lies in the dissolution of the identities that are cloaking our unconditioned presence. These subconscious selves get constellated through unprocessed life experiences and become fixed point of views in which we see ourselves, others, and the world through. 

Together we will learn how to meet these cloaks, make the unconscious conscious, and liberate our awareness to align with what is of higher service on both an individual and collective level.

Once your divine seed (Sankalpa) is revealed, you can then plant it into your deeper psychology during Yoga Nidra practice and any other moments when the mind and body are most receptive to stabilize this truth as a state of consciousness. 

Using the framework, language, and many components of the Yoga Nidra practice we will learn how to first de-constellate limited perception that is separating you and creating suffering, and upon touching directly the deeper truth within, you then structure that knowing from the subtlest level of choice into its full embodied expression.

Each week we will explore different layers of the process to prepare for the meditations where we put it all together.

Explorations include:

  • Dissolving the sense of ‘I-ness’ / no point of view

  • Inhabiting the body and the breath

  • Growing the capacity to feel opposite sensations and feelings without judgement

  • Using Chidakasha as an inner altar

  • Bridging the conscious and unconscious mind

  • Shadow work /inner child exploration / soul retrieval

  • Patterning the truth through the multi-layers of experience

Please note that the Mystical Path of the Householder has become the Sankalpa Series. Similar teachings.

It has been life-changing for me to have discovered the Calgary-based School of Sankalpa founded by Tanis Fishman. Tanis is clearly operating in whole-hearted mystic mode as she continues to creatively offer Yoga Nidra training in ways that help students break through the invisible ceilings holding them back from entering into authentic teaching and most importantly authentic living. Tanis and her co-teachers clearly pay close attention to what to improve upon with each training they do, so the teaching format is kept fresh and alive in its organic adaptions to the changing and growing needs of the flow of participants.

The teachings provided in the trainings are well-based on the teachers’ experiential knowledge of Yoga Nidra, all of which has been meticulously translated into information-packed modules. Most impressive is the exceptional learning environment that is set up in the trainings. Research shows that the brain is able to absorb information better in fun environments; the high amount of laughter naturally bubbling up throughout each training day is a clear indicator that the SOS has nailed the art of providing conducive, effective learning environments.

Having attended the 60 hour teacher training and recently the 40 hour advanced training, I find myself with a thorough, hands-on understanding of the workings of Yoga Nidra. In looking back it was like I had been lovingly held by the the teachers and participants as I entered into a profound comprehensive transmission of this ancient practice.

One of the biggest gifts though is the insight I now have into the cutting edge of my personal development. The individual feedback I received in each training about my strengths and limitations as a communicator has likely saved me years of fumbling around bumping up against unseen blindspots. Note this training may not be for the faint of heart as you will be challenged to look at the shadow sides of your engagement with teaching specifically — and with life in general — in order to be able to grow beyond the shackles of old patterns. This can feel uncomfortable at times however provides a rare opportunity for efficient personal and spiritual growth. And, such growth is perfectly aligned with the overall aim of Yoga Nidra: becoming a more conscious being in all aspects of one’s existence.

I cannot wait to see what else this school offers in the year ahead.”
— Shannon Stein, MSW, December 2019