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The Quest

The Quest


What are we doing

We’re using yoga nidra as a common language, within the principles of the teachings of the practice. The practice creates a container. The teachings are multi layered, we are spanning multiple realms of awareness and states of consciousness. 

You show up as your personalized sense of “i-ness” and everyone comes together as messengers for each other’s deeper tendencies in the subconscious. You show up as your separated sense of self to receive something for yourself and you are also contributing to the awakening of the whole as we realized ourselves in each other. We’re all coming together as deeper messengers of the subconscious and in a shifted state of consciousness you’re part of the collective psyche, revealing a piece that is important for another. The point is not to stay individualized but to understand your deeper humanity. You stay separated if you come to receive only for yourself, but if you come to open yourself up to dismantle the mind/body complex pieces that want recognition, praise, permission, any of the identities that keep you separated from the unity of the whole. As you face the separated parts inside yourself, you are a messenger for someone else in the group to do the same.

All that is required is a willingness, an openness to seeing yourself in the other, and not projecting but taking the teaching that it’s also inside you. We don’t take it personal, because it’s a collective archetype to look at on behalf of the whole group. When we see it impersonally, we take a step on our quest of that which is true. Everyone is playing a part in everyone’s becoming. 

Reorient how we see feedback - they are the breadcrumbs, and the dismantling of the identity becomes the initiation of the soul’s path. When we stay identified ~ we stay separated. We first need to know where the identifications are, and then we can work on the dismantling.


This is a way to come together to be shown where there is distortion in the creative spirit that is expressing the divine in this unique way. All of the information can come through this container of the yoga nidra practice, we use the YN teacher as the exterior teachings to reach the interior teachings. The teacher is the external role, but it’s just the form in which the unique creative perspective can be accessed.

When rooted in our essential nature we can share a perspective that only we can share. It deepens our experience of being, but it has potential to contribute to our evolving consciousness. 

‘It is better to do one’s own dharma, even though imperfectly, than to do another’s dharma, even though perfectly. By doing one’s innate duties, a person does not incur sin.’ Bhagavad Gita 18.47

What is this offering?

  • Dismantling the teacher to reveal the initiatory path of the student 

  • Gathering together and stepping into the unknown, exploring the archetype of the teacher

  • Receive your own teachings – sitting at the seat of your own teachings. 

  • Purified self reflection, in the most honest expression, illuminating what you can’t see

  • A group coming together as teachers to support each other’s studentship. Dismantling the identities that keep us separated from that which is most pure, true, authentic and real. Dissolving identity attachment so that your essence, exists as is in its purest state

  • Explore the interconnection of teacher and student, bringing the relationship into communion, the inner relationship to the teacher

This is not a training:

  • To receive praise

  • To receive permission to teach

  • To validate your offerings

Why is this offering important?

  • Recognizing and acknowledging the layers of identity/veils that keep us separated from connecting to each other guide us on a path to our heart’s highest desires.  

  • If we’re not teaching what is actually most true and pure, we are planting more seeds of separation and ignorance.

  • It offers a safe space so that we don’t grow and learn in isolation but instead as a group coming together to elevate each other, to see deeper and wider within our own self with the recognition that we are all connected

Why is this offering unique?

  • This offering is the outcome of both student’s requests and has been incredibly valuable to us as teachers. We have walked this path personally and have taken groups through the process over time, each time practicing and honing our skills until arriving at this offering 

  • This is information that’s available and pointing to the deeper roots if you’re willing to receive it  and follow the threads to the deeper roots

  • We either stay in the criticism or we can move through it

This program has been inspired by a combination of things. The request of Past students of the school of Sankalpa trainings wanting more opportunities to teach and receive honest feedback, in a safe and supportive group with other teachers. Also, this practice of sitting in council, receiving feedback on your blind spots is what Catherine, Megan, and Tanis undergo on a regular basis to ensure their teachings are leading towards liberation as opposed to trappings of a fear based mind. They wanted to open their circle to others that would find value in this approach.

Dates: 4 opportunities to participate

This 3 day program will be offered at 4 different times in 2021 over zoom. The group will be kept to 12 max to ensure the highest level of support, effectiveness and connection. 

April 13-15 ~ with a 2 hour follow up Apr 29 (9am - 11am MST)

 May 11-13 ~ with a 2 hour follow up Jun 10 (9am - 11am MST)

Sept 14-16  ~ with a 2 hour follow up Sep 30 (9am - 11am MST)

Nov 23-25  ~ with a 2 hour follow up Dec 9 (9am - 11am MST)

Program times

9AM - 6PM Mountain Standard Time

Program Cost

$550 CAD (+ tax)

Requirements to participate: 

  • Yoga Nidra training completed (or have experience in teaching the practice)

  • 2 scripts prepared and ready to teach for a 30 minute class and 45 minute class*

  • A recording is due 2 weeks after the program

*One script should represent your essence. What you believe is your message, your core teaching, represents your deepest inner voice. The other script can be general or themed or specifically catering to the needs of your students.

Follow the call ~

Meet the facilitators

The Roles of Your Three Facilitators - Through Three Layers of Awareness 

Catherine – Manifest Realm

Catherine guides from a structured starting point touching on the conscious waking state that is obvious and tangible- what is showing up in this three dimensional realm – what has taken form.

This is the extension of the unseen and it is seen – it has realized itself in mannerisms, voice body movements, timing, how each person is received by others, she sees the real-time scene of how it’s interacting in the moment…she’s reading the room, how others are receiving the content in the room. Catherine picks up the manifestation of the deeper realms – what is physically delivered in the moment…it has manifested itself here now, how are we showing up? 

She’s touching on pieces that will help others dismantle how they are perceived and how they express themselves in the physical realm 

Megan – Unseen Subconscious Realm

Megan very intuitively illuminates and brings awareness to the parts of ourselves that are highly protected and holding us back. She tunes into each soul’s individual path, seeing and bringing into the light that which we are unconscious of or what we subconsciously keep hidden and out of sight at all costs. Megan taps into what is disrupting the clear channel of the authentic self, what is ready to be shifted inside of our belief systems and internal programming. She skillfully holds us steady in our shadow without criticism or judgement and stays steadfast in the message despite the personality reacting. She pierces the veil to reveal that which we do not want anyone to see, tapping into the feeling and emotional experience that holds the key to our liberation. Megan guides us to touch the deeper truth that we have been searching for and it holds the potential to dissolve an identity that is causing a separation of (and in the) Self. This discovery of the unseen is the catalyst and the transformer to our ultimate truth, allowing us to be held in being absolutely seen in what we have actively kept unseen.

Tanis – weaving the layers to have a clear understanding of who we are to be in this world

Tanis’ higher perspective sees into our deeper essence, that which we are and is beyond the trappings of the personality of the ego. This is our pure essence, the divine – our purpose, our dharma. Her wisdom is guided from her vast field of awareness and informs us as to why we are here. She offers the information that already so naturally present in us and recognizes what is out of integrity inside ourselves. With the insight of what is absolutely pure and true to be living in our dharma, the initiatory path lays itself out so that we can arrive fully to what has always been.